Government Resolution No.: – No. 1010/ Q.No. 198/NAPU-28, dated 23/02/2012 as per the government decision, there are instructions of the government to implement the revised system of grain distribution.
Food Day: –
The 7th day of every month is celebrated as Food Day throughout the Mumbai-Thane Rationing Area (even if the day is a holiday). On that day, in the presence of Vigilance Committee members and other local people present in the Fair Price shop/public place, ration cards are given to the ration card holders in a public manner according to the prescribed quantity. Food is distributed.
Food Week: –
After distribution of grain in the prescribed manner on the day of Food Day, the remaining grain is made available to the remaining beneficiaries for sale from the Fair Price shop in the following week from 8th to 15th. The said week is celebrated as Food Week for the entire the Mumbai-Thane Rationing Area. In this way, the ration holders in the entire state are provided guaranteed food grains for at least 8 days in a month from Fair Price shops.